How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)|| Step By Step Guide


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)

Step By Step Guide



How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)

You can interact and exchange content with loved ones online using Facebook, a social networking service. Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg while he was a student at Harvard University and was first intended for college students. Anyone over 13 with a working email address could sign up for Facebook by 2006. With more than 1 billion users now, Facebook is the largest social network in the world.


STEP#01: Go to or Open the Facebook app on android/ios

(Note: You can download the Facebook app from the play-store of android/ios)


STEP#02:  Click on NEXT and Click on Allow to allow Facebook to access your contacts. Click on Allow to allow Facebook to make and manage your phone calls. 

How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)

How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)

STEP#03:  Write your First and Last name and click NEXT


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)

STEP#04: Enter Your Date of Birth and Click NEXT


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)


STEP#05: Select Your Gender and Click NEXT


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)


STEP#06: Enter Your Mobile Number and Click NEXT

(Note: you can sign up with your email address as well)

How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)


STEP#07: Choose a Password and click NEXT


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)


STEP#08: Choose Signup without uploading your contact. Facebook is now creating your account


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)

STEP#09: Now you are on Login Screen. Facebook is asking you whether you have an account. Click on NO, Create New Account


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)

How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)


STEP#10: Your account is created. You will be signed in. Facebook will ask you to save your password. You can click yes or maybe not now


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)


STEP#11: Now you have to confirm your account. Use the phone no. or email address you have provided.


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)



STEP#12: Choose your profile picture, or you can skip it.


How to create Facebook Account|| Facebook ID (Updated)


Congratulations! Here is your new Facebook account. You can customize it by clicking the 3 lines in the top right corner. You can also change your privacy settings, username, password and other settings.




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