How To Get Grammarly Premium For Free (2022 Updated) || A Step By Step Guide
Job seekers, writers, and other professionals can use Grammarly as a writing assistant to proofread and edit their documents. It improves vocabulary usage and checks for spelling, grammatical, and punctuation issues.
When errors are detected, the Grammarly AI algorithm analyses each sentence and looks for suitable replacements. The application is cloud-based. There is a web version and a version that works with Microsoft Word.
Grammarly assigns your document a final grade based on the number of problems and errors it discovers. Then, one by one, it guides you through several potential grammar issues. The system gives both a brief and detailed explanation for each problem it finds.
A useful plagiarism detector can assist authors in locating any unintentionally plagiarized material. The system identifies texts that are comparable to the one in question and recommends citations that can be used to support them. The list of alternate spellings is provided together with a list of misspellings.
Using a synonym checker allows users to select optional phrasing and prevent duplication. Along with details on the type of error you've committed, Grammarly also offers reasons for any modifications that are advised.
The Premium Version of Grammarly is absolutely a Gem. But how to get Grammarly premium for free? How to get a free Grammarly premium in 2022? So you are right place. Let's begin with step by step process:
STEP#01: Go to Google chrome. Search, download, Add an extension name Cookies-Editor.
STEP#02: Turn on the Cookies editor extension. Add Grammarly extension for chrome as well.
Open the website in one tab and in other tab
Go to the following website
Click on Working Grammarly cookies #5 Download.
STEP#04: Copy the cookies. It's a Jason File. You can copy that.
Now go to the website. Click on the cookies editor and Delete the cookies.
STEP#05: Now, Click on cookies editor and Import. Paste the Jason file you copy from the above website and click Import.
That's it! Congratulations! Your Premium account has been activated. Enjoy your Grammarly premium account for free.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not log out and keep using.
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