How To Make Egg Rolls (Crispy Egg Mushroom Rolls) || Lovely Foods

 How To Make Egg Rolls (Crispy Egg Mushroom Rolls) || Lovely Foods  


How To Make Egg Rolls Crispy Egg Mushroom Rolls


 When life is chaotic, every meal can feel like a struggle. But whether I'm flat out with the kids or work, this lunch covers all bases. I can't think of a single ingredient that's as fast or as flexible as eggs, and I love mushrooms because I quite like that meaty texture, and these rolls with fresh mushrooms are a total godsend when I want to rustle something up in a rush.


My cracking egg rolls with mushrooms are a brilliant alternative to a boring old sandwich, but they only take minutes.

These rolls are like an omelette that has been wrapped in a tortilla.

So How to make egg rolls? How to make crispy Egg mushroom rolls. let's learn



Beat three eggs to start the omelette center. And then I'm going to add dried parsley.

I love dried herbs, so this stuff gets a bad rep.

I still get that lovely flavor, so why not?

And garlic granules. Sometimes I just cannot be bothered to chop garlic. You know, when you need one or maybe two. This is what you need.

Banking store cupboard staples like this will give your cooking an instant flavor boost.

Season with salt and pepper.

That's it.

That's my eggs done.

Are you with me? Can you see how quickly this is happening?

I love mushrooms.

They cook so quickly. And they're packed full of deep umami flavor. You can use any mushroom. If I don't have any fresh mushrooms in, I'll use the canned stuff, frozen, whatever -all of it works. And then tortilla wraps.

This is the bit that kind of like holds your eggy, omelettey bit together,   and then I've got my tomato paste. Now you could use standard tomato paste,

but this is sun-dried tomato paste, so it's sweeter.

That's going to pack a massive punch of flavor. Just because we're cooking fast doesn't mean we're compromising on taste.

Let's get some oil in there. Oil's hot. Egg in. Eggs take seconds to cook, so they're perfect when you're rushing.

I will add my mushrooms; you can see the eggs cooking around the edge. So, just a few. And then olives. I want to cook quickly, but I like lots of flavors, and black olives are perfect.

You get that lovely salty kind of hit. I'm going to take my tortilla

 with the sun-dried tomato paste and then turn it around and stick it on top.

Just kind of use your hands to glue it together. That's it. Just don't touch it.

Just leave it.

Let it do its thing.

After just 30 seconds,

flip it over. Look at that. Can you smell that? No, you can't. I can, though! Fried tortilla.

That's good. Let's do another one. In...

You'll see once you start doing this, you're going to start a production line. You'll be making more than three. You'll be doing, like, ten. You can do this with tomatoes, onions, cheese, and ham -endless options. And here's where the roll comes in.

It's not bad.

My crispy fried egg rolls bursting with sun-dried tomato paste, black olives and mushrooms with a cheeky, time-saving bonus. What I love about these is that you can make a load up, stick him in the fridge, and they're perfect for lunch the next day. And that one will roll straight into my mouth because somebody has got to eat it.

Mm, mm, mm-hmm, mm, mm, mm.

That beats...any sandwich any day of the week.



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